The Parent Committee of École Socrates-Démosthène, Demosthenes campus, is proud to announce that its annual fundraising dance will take place on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at the Château Royal reception hall. This major event aims to fund our project for creating a flexible learning space, “L’Atelier,” as well as address various needs of the school.

The success of this evening relies on the valuable support of as many sponsors as possible.

For just $25, grab a balloon and join the fun!

Most balloons contain exciting prizes waiting to be claimed. At the height of the evening, the room will come alive as everyone pops their balloons to reveal their surprise. Will you walk away with one of the grand prizes? Some of the prizes include: XX, YY, ZZ. Don’t miss your chance to join the excitement—get your balloon before they’re all gone!


Adult Braised Beef Short Rib $125

Station Mezedakia Taramosalata, tzatziki,kopanisti, pita grillée, loukaniko,calmars frits, souvlaki grillé, olives kalamata, fromage feta, feuilles de vigne farcies,tiropita et spanakopita salade Gr

Adult Chicken Main Dish $125

Station Mezedakia Taramosalata, tzatziki,kopanisti, pita grillée, loukaniko,calmars frits, souvlaki grillé, olives kalamata, fromage feta, feuilles de vigne farcies,tiropita et spanakopita salade Gr

Adult Salmon Main Dish $125

Station Mezedakia Taramosalata, tzatziki,kopanisti, pita grillée, loukaniko,calmars frits, souvlaki grillé, olives kalamata, fromage feta, feuilles de vigne farcies,tiropita et spanakopita Salade Gr

Adult Vegetarian Main Dish $125

Station Mezedakia Taramosalata, tzatziki,kopanisti, pita grillée, loukaniko,calmars frits, souvlaki grillé, olives kalamata, fromage feta, feuilles de vigne farcies,tiropita et spanakopita salade Gr

Child ticket $60

Station Mezedakia Taramosalata, tzatziki,kopanisti, pita grillée, loukaniko,calmars frits, souvlaki grillé, olives kalamata, fromage feta, feuilles de vigne farcies,tiropita et spanakopita salade Gr

It's just that easy to make something amazing

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live.