As you know, currently, some countries are significantly affected by the COVID-19 virus. Being in a place, a school, where the risk of spreading is very great and would be very fast, we appeal to your sense of civility and responsibilities so that you keep your children at home for 14 days from your return to Canada if you recently visited one of these countries, especially during spring break:
– Germany
– China
– South Korea
– Hong Kong
– Iran
– Italy (North and South) – France
– Japan
– Singapore
Health Canada Notice:
Anyone who has traveled to regions of the world at risk of contagion in the past few months should:
- Limit contact with other people for 14 days from the day they return to Canada. It means self-isolation and staying at home.
- Contact the local public health authority within 24 hours of arriving in Canada.
We invite you, if this is your case, to communicate by email or by phone with the administration of your campus, mentioning the student’s name, class, country visited and date of return to Canada.
We will make up for the days missed by the students concerned so that your child is not penalized, but everyone’s health remains a priority at school, understandably.
You will find below two documents received from the Ministry of Education on March 6th. Please read them and comply.
Thanking you in advance for your usual collaboration,
Socrates-Demosthenes School